
 The Journey of a Herzing Trailblazer: Redefining 医疗保健 Through Education



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亚历杭德罗Roldan称 has seen the profound influence of healthcare from multiple perspectives. 作为一个孩子, 他羡慕已经在战场上的家人, who provided him with a first-hand understanding of the fulfilling career path. His interest was further shaped by seeing his grandmother's courageous battle with cancer. These experiences ignited both a passion for medicine and a commitment to aiding those in need.

他的目标是医疗事业, 亚历杭德罗获得了生物学学位,但他知道自己想要更多. 这时他才发现 Herzing的BSN幸运28计划, which could be completed in as little as 18 months and was extra attractive for someone wanting to jump right in. 

“我不仅能够快速开始我的课程, 但我知道我可以在不到4年的时间内获得学位, 最终加快了我的职业发展计划,亚历杭德罗分享道. “感觉非常合适.”

From there, Alejandro dove into the accelerated BSN program headfirst.

"My journey at Herzing played a pivotal role in molding my nursing foundation,” he recalled. “The hands-on curriculum and the unwavering dedication of my professors instilled in me the significance of approaching patient care holistically. It's a perspective that I'm committed to passing on to both my students and patients.”

在他学习期间, Alejandro balanced coursework with his role as a Certified 护理 Assistant (CNA). 从ICU开始, he started as a nurse extern and worked his way to eventually become a registered nurse (RN). His journey involved managing demanding schedules alongside teaching clinicals. Yet the experience in a unit dealing with high-acuity cases broadened his understanding of healthcare and also took him along a path he never expected, 在那里,他会教别人他喜欢的技能和职业.

"I was never going to become an educator after graduating from nursing school. 这不在计划中,但有时计划会改变,”他承认. “我同意试一试,一个学期. 那是六年半以前的事了. 我很喜欢. Every day I strive to be the kind of professor that I knew I needed during my own educational experience. I also want to promote diverse representation that so much of healthcare is lacking."

作为西班牙血统的人, 亚历杭德罗是多元化的强烈倡导者, 医疗保健中的公平和包容(DEI). 

"Promoting DEI should start in schools to build a foundation for culturally competent care. 拥有一个多样化的医疗团队可以培养不同的视角, trust, 创新和更好的患者治疗效果,他说. “It's crucial that patients see healthcare providers who understand their culture, 语言及背景, 因为它能带来更有效的治疗."

Another significant aspect of Alejandro's journey is his commitment to promoting neurodiversity. 从他个人的ADHD经历中得出, Alejandro stresses the importance of understanding neurodiversity and understanding the strengths and uniqueness of each individual's brain. 受到他小儿子的IEP经历的影响, 亚历杭德罗看到了神经多样性训练是如何经常被忽视的. 引入教育幸运28计划和宣传活动的必要性, 特别是在少数民族社区, 对他来说很重要吗.

"I discovered my own ADHD later in college, as I struggled academically. 对多动症的评估让我终于想通了. 我想确保其他家庭, 父母, teachers and students understand neurodiversity and how it impacts their lives,亚历杭德罗分享道. “这对我来说是个人问题,因为, 作为一个有色人种, 我相信每个人都应该得到最好的照顾, 不管他们的背景如何. We should make the effort to better collaborate with experts to promote more comprehensive care in our communities."

要做到这一点, Alejandro recommends every healthcare worker find ways to volunteer and give back both in their time and their knowledge. 2018年,他加入了 Greater Milwaukee chapter of the National Association of Hispanic Nurses (NAHN), an inspiring and rewarding experience that he is heavily involved in.

他的参与强化了社区参与的重要性, 医疗保健方面的宣传和指导. 目前担任NAHN的学术联络员, 亚历杭德罗积极与学术机构建立伙伴关系, 推广他们的组织, 并鼓励有色人种学生挺身而出. 他指出了通过这种参与而打开的大门, not just for personal growth but for creating a supportive community. 

"Being in a group that had all these Hispanic and Latino professionals who were also in the healthcare field, 她们也是护士, 是惊人的,他说. “My involvement has opened so many doors that I'm forever grateful because it created a greater sense of community. It's all about helping others who may feel isolated in their journey, perhaps being the only Hispanic or Latino nurse in their cohort or on their floor."

正如许多卫生保健工作者所知, 平衡这么多责任会让人筋疲力尽, 但对亚历杭德罗来说, it's a constant motivator as he pursues his true calling to make the healthcare field more inclusive and progressive.

麦迪森365最近将亚历杭德罗列为 威斯康星州的前40名领导人. This achievement speaks to Alejandro’s impact on the community and ability to positively influence his peers and the next generation of healthcare workers.  

"I want to make sure that I help build everyone who's around me up to where we can help elevate each other,他坚定地说. “尽你所能去帮助别人, you need to embrace every opportunity you get while surrounding yourself with those who bring out the best in you. 软件下载在一起会更强大.”




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