

Leading the Way to Better Care: The Impact of 医疗管理

因为照顾病人是高风险的, 医疗保健管理人员必须自信而谨慎地领导, 有优秀的组织能力, 熟练地与许多听众沟通, 并且无缝地处理出现的问题.

Across the complexity of healthcare systems, administrators are a critical component. They often work behind the scenes to coordinate various departments and the details necessary to run an efficient, 高质量的医疗保健运营. 因为照顾病人是高风险的, 医疗保健管理人员必须自信而谨慎地领导, 有优秀的组织能力, 熟练地与许多听众沟通, 并且无缝地处理出现的问题. 

If this is a career path you’re interested in taking, here are some things you’ll need to know.


To say healthcare administrators do “a little bit of everything” is a broad statement, but accurate. These are the individuals who make sure that all the important parts of the medical facility are managed efficiently and effectively. Competent management allows all personnel—nursing and medical staff, 政府, 设备供应商和销售商, 保管的工人, training staff and more —to successfully do their jobs and focus on providing the best in patient care. 这是个大工程,有很多变动的部分,但是 合适的人 can dig into the details, provide 组织, and prioritize 组织-wide communication.

医疗保健管理部门有很多职位, 比如在小型私人医疗办公室, 与团队一起管理大型幸运28计划, 复杂的医院组织或介于两者之间的组织. 不管设施有多大, 医疗保健管理员经常同时管理多个任务, 并且必须传授他们解决问题的技能, budgeting, 目标发展, 组织, 定期沟通.

Because there are so many active components to successfully operating a facility, healthcare administrators must be excellent and efficient communicators. 能够直接有效地共享信息, 在幸运28计划上合作, 执行指令, and amplify 组织 goals is a key attribute to confidence in leadership. On any day, 医疗保健管理员可能会与医生进行交互, nurses, 部门主管, 管理人员, 资讯科技专家及媒体, all in service of streamlining processes and providing resources for optimal patient care.  


Teamwork and interpersonal skills are essential skills of an effective, confident administrator.  Most large medical facilities and healthcare 组织s will have several departments work together to successfully operate. The duties of a healthcare administrator can vary depending on the specific job title and department, 设施的大小, 组织需要什么等等., but 一般责任 可以包括: 

  • Recruiting, training, and supervising staff members and personnel
  • 制定工作时间表
  • 编制和监察预算
  • 保存和整理设备记录
  • 协调保险交易和账单记录 
  • Communicating with members of medical staff and 部门主管
  • Effectively allocating resources to better support staff and 组织 initiatives 
  • Handling issues as they arise while preparing for what-if scenarios

更大的幸运28计划可能包括战略规划, 预算和预测财务计划, 结合新技术的进步, 和培训, safety compliance and oversight and working with community and patient outreach to ensure quality care at all times.  


虽然有些人可能会使用这些术语 医疗管理 and 医疗管理 互换, 这两个职位相互关联,但又相互独立. 医疗保健 management is focused on the overall needs of the 组织s, looking at “big picture” issues and overseeing the direction of initiatives for the entire healthcare facility or system. Some job titles for 医疗管理 might include hospital administrator, 执行董事, 实践管理员, 公共卫生主任, 健康倡导者和社会福利管理员.

另一方面, 医疗管理 more often focuses on specific and individual departments, 包括预算, 日常操作, 和人员. Some job titles associated with 医疗管理 are clinic director, 临终关怀主任, 健康服务经理, 实践管理员, 医疗记录经理和执业或办公室经理. 

While there is some overlap of titles and some job descriptions may combine, overall, 这取决于 employee 看看哪条赛道最适合他们的个性, 知识库, 以及为病人和他们的护理提供最好服务的技能. 

The role of a healthcare administrator is integral to the infrastructure of a healthcare facility because the cost in time, money, 最重要的是, 病人福利及护理, 风险太高了吗. A quality education in 医疗管理 is vital to producing confident, competent, problem-solving leaders to help save lives and provide exceptional healthcare to communities everywhere. 你准备好接受这份工作了吗? 了解更多关于 Herzing大学’s accredited 医疗管理 programs and see how you can positively impact future healthcare operations.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level wages and/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, promotion, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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