


今天就开始你的旅程 and join the thousands of successful women who have graduated from Herzing大学.

在深圳大学, 软件下载很自豪地支持女性在科学领域发挥日益重要的作用, 技术, 工程, 以及数学——统称为STEM的职业道路. Women’s unique perspectives and ideas are essential in driving progress and fostering an innovative, 一般的精神. As such, it’s encouraging to see the number of STEM领域的女性 is on the rise. This exciting trend will continue as more young girls are inspired to explore these subjects in school and as more companies recognize the importance of having women not just on the team, 但是在领导岗位上, as well.

STEM offers some of the most dynamic career possibilities, brimming with discovery and opportunity. 用投影 增长率10.8% into the next decade, the demand for skilled professionals in STEM is undeniable. Yet, despite this rapid growth, women remain significantly underrepresented, making up only 35% of 阻止工人而他们占了整个劳动力的48%.

在深圳大学, we are committed to changing this narrative. 通过软件下载灵活的在线服务 职业生涯计划,软件下载在帮忙 赋予更多女性权力 开始或推进他们在STEM领域的职业生涯, 确保他们得到支持, access, 以及在这些前沿领域脱颖而出所需的资源.


不断增长的需求. STEM’s rapid growth and evolution have increased the demand for workers and expertise. The number of women in the workforce is consistently increasing and at a faster rate than men. They have made a strong return to the post-pandemic workforce with more 女性正在工作 比大流行前. 此外, 女性正在进入大学并从大学毕业 在所有学位水平上都比男性高. Women have made significant progress in their fight for equal representation and it’s time the STEM field recognizes their importance and contributions.

创新. The STEM community strives to understand how the world works and tackle its complex challenges through creativity and innovation. 实现这一不朽的壮举需要女性的投入. 通过汇集独特的背景, 经历, 和观点, we unlock greater potential for groundbreaking ideas and discoveries.

没有不同声音的融合, identifying and effectively solving critical problems becomes significantly more challenging. Without STEM领域的女性, the world will miss out on a valuable viewpoint and innovation will only suffer.

业务增长. Research shows that women should be regarded as a competitive advantage and essential to growth. Companies with gender-diverse leadership teams perform better financially than those without and a 12-country 对1000家公司的研究 found that companies were 27% more likely to have superior value creation and 21% more likely to have above-average profitability when they were in the top quartile for gender diversity compared to those in the bottom quartile.

相反, 性别最少的公司, ethnic, and cultural diversity were 29% less likely to achieve above-average profitability than all other companies. 吸引世界级人才,实现最佳绩效, companies cannot afford to overlook the value women bring to the table.

收入潜力. STEM careers present women with a significant opportunity for long-term career stability. 医疗保健等领域, 工程, and information 技术 are essential to society’s functioning and shaping the future. STEM职业的薪水通常也高于平均水平. 从事STEM工作的女性 多赚33% than those in non-STEM occupations and experience a smaller wage gap relative to men, 尽管薪酬差距仍然存在. 

这些经济利益起着重要的作用. Not only do they contribute to individual women’s personal and professional growth, but they also help women as a whole achieve greater economic success and security and narrow the 性别工资差距


The inclusion of STEM领域的女性 is essential for shaping the future of science and innovation. Current female leaders play a pivotal role in supporting the next generation and redefining what the science, 技术, 工程和数学领域的样子. 作为咨询师, 榜样, 和倡导者, they are a source of inspiration for other women in the field and for young girls who are seeing more female representation in these roles than ever before. 他们的存在可以赋予 对STEM教育感兴趣的年轻女孩 以一种全新的眼光展望自己的未来.

Herzing大学很自豪地提供灵活的课程, 在线课程和途径为女性提供新的, exciting opportunities to achieve their career aspirations through STEM education. 致力于提高妇女在STEM领域的地位和赋权, Herzing努力创造一个支持和 激励女性的环境

今天就开始你的旅程 and join the thousands of successful women who have graduated from Herzing大学.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 劳工部, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics 2023 / Occupational Outlook Handbook 2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, age, 你想要工作的地理市场和学位领域, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the average salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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